Interested in getting extra help with your schoolwork from home? Or want to get GCSEs in English and Maths? Maybe you want help finding a job or apprenticeship? Click below to find out more. All of our projects are online and available nationwide.
Interested in getting extra help with your schoolwork from home? Or want to get GCSEs in English and Maths? Maybe you want help finding a job or apprenticeship? All of our projects are online and available nationwide.
Learn about inspirational members of the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities who are working hard to raise awareness, fight myths, and improve conditions for community members.
Both ODET and The Traveller Movement support LGBT+ young people. You are not alone. Hear the experiences of LGBT+ members from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and learn where to get support.
Having a problem at or with your school? Our sister organisation Traveller Movement can help. Find out more.
Internships are a rolling programme in the Traveller Movement – our sister organisation. The internships are fully supported and take place at the charity’s workplace.